I was looking forward to what would spur a follow up to “What if Cyclists were like NASCAR Drivers and Triathletes?” post. Instead, I was left shaking my head as I heard another perfect example of what NOT to do when you’re a sponsored athlete. Bike races and cycling teams are dependent on sponsorships. These teams are ambassadors for their …
SFHW & Jack Kane Athlete Race Report : Corrolla Triathlon
Team SFHW and Jack Kane athlete, Lance Corporal Michael Politowicz competed in his first race this past weekend since coming home from Afghanistan. The race Whale Head Club Corolla Pedal-Foot-Paddle Triathlon Mike’s Race Report [hr] The competitors were from all over NC. The race was to benefit the Whalehead Club Museum. It started at 8 a.m. with heats of five …
Back in the Criterium Racing Saddle
Hopping back into racing, especially criterium racing is always a wake up call. The severe leg burning, erratic breathing, and super fast cornering are aspects I have desperately missed. After a two and a half year hiatus thanks to my triathlon obsession, I saddled back up lusting for anaerobic bliss. The 2012 Greenville Criterium in Greenville, North Carolina hosted by …
Every Ride Could Make THE Difference
The group riding… without you. Everyone remembers their first group ride. For some, it’s a make-or-break moment in their cycling experience. Most of us saw the group disappear over the horizon as we heaved, gasped for air, right as our legs cracked. To make matters worse, we weren’t familiar with the area, so it was going to be a long …
Sh*t Cyclists Say Video is Satire at its Finest
Not since Velominati’s “The Rules” have I been so entertained by cycling satire. Cyclists and Roadies are a peculiar bunch. We have our own language, rules, rituals, and personalities. If you haven’t already met them, let me introduce you in the video “Sh*t Cyclists Say” — watch it below. Every phrase, statement, and action is unfortunately spot on. It’s a …
Carbon Fiber Bicycle Repair Grows in North Carolina
NORTH CAROLINA BICYCLE COMPANY GROWS IN CARBON FIBER REPAIR SERVICES Jacksonville, North Carolina – Jack Kane, owner of Jack Kane Custom Racing Bicycles, is now offering his carbon fiber bicycle repair services to the public. His business has been strictly referral-based from bike shops, bicycle importers, race teams, and bicycle manufacturers themselves. However, the bicycle market is demanding carbon fiber …
Will Strava Lead to More Riders Burning Out?
We see it all the time. We experience it ourselves during the worst possible spans. We know it can destroy entire seasons. We know it can affect our mental state. We call it “burn out”. Its hidden accomplice, overtraining / overextending bring dreaded symptoms. Unfortunately, most of the time, we cultivate it upon ourselves. Always hammering the group ride. Undertaking …
Quick Collection of Bicycle Saddle Buying Tips
Saddles. As cyclists, they can be our worst enemy. We spend so many hours pedaling away on one, that if it’s uncomfortable, riding isn’t fun. When a saddle is miserable, we are less likely to want to ride. If we associate pain with riding, we’ll do whatever we can to avoid pain. If your current saddle is uncomfortable or if …
Are You Competitive or Business Oriented?
It’s time for a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of post. Or, if you’re more romantic… We’re all holding dandelions whispering “she loves me, she loves me not” as we pluck. As I began writing this post, I didn’t know how to accurately discuss it. If you’re uber competitive and have a strong disdain for short cuts, are you …
Kill Them with Kindness : A Challenge to All Cyclists
The state of cycling when it comes forging a harmonious bond between motorists and cyclists is certainly a volatile subject. No one wants to blink in this dance. I wrote about my last encounter with a motorist in my “Why is There so Much Hate Towards Me, a Cyclist?” and recently had another incident. This time it’s about dogs chasing …
My Experience: PowerBar HIGH INTENSITY Beta Alanine
Having trouble lasting more than a few hours? Needing to reduce the burn while pushing the tempo? Are your peers secretly riding and racing with someone else? Is it time we forget the little blue pill and start popping two white pills? Jimmy Johnson Extenze jokes aside, is there a product that can help manage and reduce muscle burn and …
Avoid the Standard Bike Specs Pitfalls:The Perfect Bike by You
Are you in the market for a new bike? Do you want to get the most bike for your dollar? While there are numerous ways to accomplish this, here is one way to fine-tune, modernize, and save money in the long run on your next bike purchase: I was reading this article on Slowtwitch.com and it raises a great point …
Here’s a Blank Canvas — Create your Dream Bike
Here’s a Blank Canvas Now, it’s your turn to create a one-of-a-kind dream machine Instructions: Click the desired canvas Save the image to your computer Conjure up your creative juices and design a bike no one else will ever have. Don’t worry if you’re not an artist. Just have fun! Send your design to info[at]kanebikes[.]com or call us: 910.455.1011 You’re …
What if Cyclists were like NASCAR Drivers or Triathletes?
There are a few types of people: “those that know”, “those that know what they don’t know”, and “those that don’t know what they don’t know”. I honestly feel like the last one applies to cycling teams and sponsorships. We have these athletes scratching their heads about why sponsors are leaving, wait, sprinting away. Are the athletes themselves to blame? …
Part III: Racing, Famous People, and a Sandwich
The conclusive post of the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship three-part series is upon us. It aims to stimulate your senses, mentally, visually, and if you’re hungry, physically. 4:00 am came way too soon on Saturday. At least this morning we did not have to take a ferry ride. We stayed only eight minutes away from the race site. …
Cutting Bike Race Predictability: Nature Valley Grand Prix
There is a standard formula for bike racing now-a-days. The U.S. Postal Train perfected it, displayed its dominance, and teams try to replicate it whenever possible. It’s proven, it works. The formula? Everyone waits until the last climb, one team drives the pace, or a sprint train wraps up the race. However, as a result, the guessing and anticipation in …
The Reality of the “Reality Sucks” is GM Blew It. [AGAIN]
It is mind boggling sometimes how aloof some companies are, but leave it to the auto-industry to get lost in the boggle. Yesterday, Tuesday, 10/11, I was logging into the Jack Kane Facebook page and noticed one of my friends had posted a status stating, “Seriously GM?” with a link to a BikePortland Blog Post. What I saw and read …
Race Report: 2011 ESI Augusta 70.3 Ironman
A lot can happen in a year. In 2010, I embarked upon tackling my first half Ironman / 70.3 event. The christening event was the ESI Augusta Georgia 70.3 Half-Ironman on the last Sunday in September. I’ll be the first to tell you, I track loads of training data, but I never really analyze it. (It’s a little thing called …
Why is There so Much Hate Towards Me, a Cyclist?
We read about road-rage all the time and the burgeoning incidents towards cyclists. This happened to me recently and it really struck me as a new low in how non-riders behave and treat us (and I’ve had full 48oz drinks thrown at me by passing cars, run off the road, etc). I had dropped off my car to be worked …
USAT Nationals Part II: Dawn of a New Day
When we last left off, our Jack Kane Pit Crew was driving off into a sunset and while movies may end this way, this is the real world, and a triathlon race weekend at that. Part II: Dawn of a New Day [hr] Day 3: Expo All Day, Jeff: Reloaded, Jack Kane Domination, Calm Before the Storm Friday was a …