Trek Opposes Carbon Repair | Read Why They’re Wrong

This past August, we were one of the companies interviewed by Bicycle Retailer and Industry News about our carbon fiber bicycle repair services. The full article (BRAIN, 8/15/2012, Vol. 21, #14) is located at (opens in a new window): In the next issue, Trek’s Vice President & General Counsel sent a letter stating Trek is against repairing carbon fiber. …

Carbon Fiber Bicycle Repair Grows in North Carolina

NORTH CAROLINA BICYCLE COMPANY GROWS IN CARBON FIBER REPAIR SERVICES Jacksonville, North Carolina – Jack Kane, owner of Jack Kane Custom Racing Bicycles, is now offering his carbon fiber bicycle repair services to the public. His business has been strictly referral-based from bike shops, bicycle importers, race teams, and bicycle manufacturers themselves. However, the bicycle market is demanding carbon fiber …