I often write about how Kane bikes have stories; how every bike is unique, and how every bike we create for a rider has meaning. It’s all because of our customers. This post is no different, except that it’s about the relationships we have with our riders. Some customers know exactly what they want and say, “Paint it!” Others can …
My “Last” Bike & Setting a Record
You know those moments when you see something and instantaneously say “I’ve got to have one!”? That happened to John when he came into our shop a few years ago. His attention was captivated by a specific Jack Kane triathlon bike displayed on the wall. It was at that moment, John would later tell Jack and me, that he realized …
Our Bikes have Stories: Law Enforcement United Bicycle
Not many people get to say “it was meant to be” when it comes to a bicycle. However, for John, he can. He saw this bike on our website and knew it was for him. He participates in the Law Enforcement United Ride that travels along the East Coast (Florida to D.C.). The thin blue line, for him, symbolizes the …
Our Bikes Have Stories: Being Looked After on the Road
Beautiful. Invest in your Uniqueness. What’s Your Bike Story Going to Be?
Our Bikes have Stories: Break Free of the Mold
|| Break free of the mold. Stand Out. Add a little flavor. || Three visions I had for my bike. My bike will catch your eyes. Either you’re going to love it or you’re going to hate it, but what you can’t say is that it’s not authentic. I gave it a story and soul. A lot of bikes are …
Our Bikes have Stories: I Want a Badass Bike
Brendan had been riding a Trek Madone for a few years. He thoroughly enjoyed it, but he was ready to move up. I met him when he came into our shop and he had a mission — he wanted one bad-ass bike. He had done his homework and discussed with me what he was gunning for his bike to have, …